Sunday, October 8, 2017

Paris, Nouvelle Eve 4

So dancing, two brothers who did some fancy juggling, dancing, a really funny balancing acrobat and his wife, dancing, a strange but captivating puppeteer act, dancing, a girl who did acrobatics on a hoop descended from the ceiling, the grand finale. Then at the very end they picked four guys to come up on stage and they all had to do a dance they were shown. The best dancer by applause got a special prize. A guy from our tour got picked, and because there was a big group of us who naturally all applauded for him, he won (even though a young man from New Zealand really was the better dancer.) The prize? One of the girls from the show walks in from off stage in a wedding dress and they play the wedding march. About half way down she rips off the gown and is wearing...very little underneath and then drags the guy offstage. A little later he comes back with a (toy) baby and everyone had a good laugh.

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