Wednesday, October 11, 2017

London, Tower Of London 7

The Tower is also known for it's Yeomen Warders, often called Beefeaters. The generally accepted origin of that nickname comes from Cosimo III de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, who frequented the Court in 1669. In referring to the Yeomen he stated, "A very large ration of beef is given to them daily at the court, and they might be called Beef-eaters."

They are ceremonial guards and wardens of the Tower, and you can ask one for a tour of the grounds. It's considered a great honor to be accepted as a Yeomen Warder. There are 36 Yeomen Warders, a Ravenmaster, and one Chief Warder. All warders are retired from the Armed Forces and must be former warrant officers with at least 22 years of service. They must also hold the Long Service and Good Conduct medal. If you are accepted into the Yeoman Warders you and your family live at the Tower of London with free room and board.

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