Sunday, October 8, 2017

Paris, Place de la Concorde

We made a few circles of the Place de la Concorde, including the Fontaines de la Concorde. The fountains (there are two) are from 1840. The south fountain commemorates the maritime commerce and industry of France, and the north fountain commemorates navigation and commerce on the rivers of France. This is the north fountain.

But the real prize is the Luxor Obelisk on the right, the entire square was designed around it. In 1831 the viceroy of Egypt Mohammed Ali gave it to the King  Louis Philippe as a gift. It was made in the time of Ramses II and marked the entrance to the Luxor Temple. That makes that obelisk a little over 3,300 years old. Amazing.

Oh and they also executed a whole bunch of people here during the French revolution.

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