Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Rome, Sistine Chapel

You aren't allowed to take pictures around or in the Sistine Chapel so the photo above is from a Google search. To be honest the most famous portion of the chapel, the ceiling with the Creation of Adam fresco (the finger touching god) was underwhelming. It's much smaller then you might think, in fact the entire chapel is fairly small. Maybe it's also because we see pictures of it so often.

To me the most interest part was the fresco on the back wall called the Last Judgement. Silvana explained that the skinned man in the middle is a self portrait of Michelangelo and the man going to hell in the lower right with the serpent biting him in the...well, it's a portrait of a man named Biagio da Cesena. He tried to force Michelangelo to change his painting, so in revenge Michelangelo painted him going to hell.

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