Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Glass Pass












Another jet of this era was the Republic F-105 Thunderchief. Nicknamed the "Thud," it was a very effective air to air combat jet. In 1970 it was fitted with electronic counter-measure equipment and became best known for doing "Wild Weasel" duty, attacking enemy surface-to-air missile sites. 

Not as well known as the Phantom this one has a special place in family history. During Dad's graduation they were putting a F-105 on static display at the academy. To celebrate the occasion as well as show off to all the graduation visitors a wing of F-105 Thunderchiefs did a couple of fly-bys. One of them made a mistake and hit supersonic right over the academy, blowing out a whole bunch of windows and showering a lot of the guests with glass. Not quite the show they were expecting!

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