Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Woven Rushes

Back on the bus and on the way to Killarney Carol passed around Stevie's Brigid's Cross and explained about it. It probably wasn't coincidental but soon after we pulled to a little side stop where an older man was sitting making them and you could buy one for a euro or two. We did of course, though the new ones are green and only fade to brown over time.

There are three prominent symbols in Irish culture, the harp, the shamrock and the Brigid Cross. We saw them everywhere. They are named after Saint Brigid of Kildare who was responsible for many miracles. There's some debate whether she was real though because a lot of her miracles, her name, and her feast day also match the Celtic goddess Brigid. So many think she was a Christian appropriation of a pagan figure.

In any case if you have one over the door in your house (or over the review mirror in your coach) it will keep you safe and healthy.

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