Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Truth

But Aaron told us not to believe such wild fantasies. The truth is long ago there was a giant named Finn McCool who used a giant camel to get around. Finn had a rival over in Scotland named Benandonner, and they would spend all day shouting insults at each other across the sea. Well one day Finn had enough, so he built a path between Ireland and Scotland so he could settle Benandonner once and for all. The only problem was, when he got there he realized Benandonner was much bigger then he was, so he turned and fled back to his house, losing a boot along the way.

Finn's wife, Oonagh, quickly disguised Finn as a baby and tucked him into a cradle. When Benandonner barged into the house and saw size of the 'baby' he reckoned that Finn as the 'father' must be a giant among giants and himself fled back to Scotland, destroying the bridge behind him.

As a funny aside Aaron was quite the storyteller, and when he got to the part about Benandonner bursting into the house he (Aaron) let out a mighty growl and yelled "WHERE IS FINN MCCOOL?!" This poor lady behind us who wasn't paying attention was so scared, she ducked and ran half way down the beach.

Well, funny for us at least.

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