Friday, October 11, 2019

Statue Sendoff

Our final destination before parting with our very entertaining guide was this statue of Thomas Francis Meagher. Meagher had an interesting life. He was born in Waterford in 1823. He would grow up to lead a revolution for the freedom of Ireland which failed and saw him exiled to Australia.

In 1852, Meagher escaped and made his way to the United States, where he settled in New York City. he became a layer and a journalist who did tours speaking about the Irish cause. When the Civil War broke out he signed up immediately, rallied up a bunch of his fellow Irishmen and started the Irish Brigade. There is some debate but many believe this is where the "Fighting Irish" of Notre Dame comes from.

He ended the war a brigadier general, was appointed Secretary of Montana State, and soon after elected it's governor. Unfortunately his story doesn't have nearly as glorious an ending, he fell off a riverboat and drowned in 1867.

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