Saturday, October 5, 2019

First Troubles

Not wanting to waste any time (or give into the desire to sleep) we headed out on a walk with no real destination in mind. We quickly came across the Garden of Remembrance. This would be our first introduction to "the Troubles" as they are called over there. A theme that would run through our entire Irish trip. Built in 1966 it is dedicated to all those who gave their lives in the cause of Irish Freedom. It's hard to see but painted on the bottom of the cross shaped pool are broken shields, swords and spears. This is supposed to represent the rituals of ancient clans who would break their weapons at the end of battle and throw them into the water to symbolize the end of a conflict. Notably in 2011 Queen Elizabeth II came here and placed a wreath which at the time was very controversial in England but well received in Ireland as a gesture of peace and reconciliation.

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