Sunday, October 3, 2021

Role Playing Games









The first part of the tour has you entering a recreation of the Old South Meeting House where on November 29th, 1773 several thousand people assembled to discuss what to do about the unfair Tea Act. It was decided that 25 men would be assigned to go to the harbor and prevent three ships (the Dartmouth, Eleanor and Beaver) from unloading their tea. Meanwhile Samuel Adams and others would petition Governor Hutchinson to send the ships back with their cargo intact to show England the colonies wouldn't accept the unfair taxation.

On the deadline of December 16, 1773 Hutchinson sided with the British, prompting another meeting at the Old South Meeting House to discuss what to do. The meeting got more and more racous until people abandoned the meeting and stormed down to the docks, boarding the three ships and dumping all the tea into the harbor.

You were given a card assigning you the roll of one of the people at that meeting. Mari was Sarah Bradlee Fulton and I was Nathaniel Bradlee.

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