Saturday, April 19, 2014

Wheel Dealing

So I have been thinking about a new car and getting something now so that when we potentially move in 5-7 years it is paid off by then. My starting place for this search was that I wanted something with AWD and four doors. After doing a lot, and I mean a lot of research (months) and several test drives of various vehicles, I have decided I want a Jeep Grand Cherokee. (I have to admit, this decision was also influenced by Casie and John and their Wrangler.)  So here we are at the local Dodge/Ram/Jeep dealer, Bob Frensley, seeing what we can do. Interesting (to me) is that when we moved to Nashville, we got our first car here. A PT Cruiser at the time. And so it comes full circle, our final car in Nashville comes from there as well. (Famous last words though, Mari really likes the Cherokee, in a few years the CRV might turn into one. And for those not familiar with the brand a Cherokee and Grand Cherokee are two different vehicles.)

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