Friday, April 18, 2014

G35 Side

Here is Sookie, what I named her, from the side. My favorite memories of her are from when I worked at the Nashville Scene, since once a week I would have a very late press night. Coming home with no cars on the road...well let's just say it was fun without being too incriminating. However, more and more lately I have been noticing how impractical she is. I can't take people anywhere. I can't take her grocery shopping or to Lowes. It's not easy to get in and out of. During this last winter the rear wheel drive coupe was useless. It also requires premium gas. Also hopefully in 5-7 years we'll be moving to the Northwest, with mountains, rain, and snow. I have zero regrets, I got to have my sports car phase and it was awesome. But now maybe I'm getting old. Why am I saying all this? Well on Saturday we just might find out....

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