Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Hard Easy Way

I updated on my journey to learn the guitar here. I have stuck to it and practiced almost every day since then. I will say I have zero natural aptitude for playing. Everything is hard and everything is slow, but I am stubborn despite more than once wanting to smash my borrowed guitar rock star style on the ground when my clumsy fingers keep missing notes over and over. Today I finally mastered my first song, I can actually play an entire song on the guitar. After puttering around and not getting anywhere for so long, having come this far in only a couple of months is amazing to me. Yes, you must still put in the work, no it is not easy, but I can't recommend Rocksmith enough. Oh and definitely get the 2014 version. The 2010 is good, but they really added a lot of valuable lesson content in '14.

1 comment:

Rocket scientist said...

Way to go. I always wanted to play but only got into the drums. mI left that after getting to senior band in high school because it interfered with cross country and track. Plus I was way over my head...
