Sunday, April 6, 2014

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So something has finally come along and unseated MWO (although I will still be popping in from time to time to keep up with my brigade.) Enter The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). Initially I wasn't going to play this but Mari talked me into it, which wasn't hard because I like games we can play together and she didn't like MWO. It takes place in the same world as Skyrim, which you may recall I played the hell out of, only hundreds of years in the past.

It's also fun because grouping up is kind of the point of a MMOG* and in this case we know a lot of people interested in ESO. A friend of Mari's from work plays it (Leilani) and we've been grouping with her. We're hoping her husband (Jason) starts to play soon too, and I've got another friend (Micky) interested. Mari's brother (Aaron) plays it too, so I think if we could get everyone together in one party that'd be a lot of fun. We even got ourselves a Teamspeak server so everyone can talk while we play.

*That's Massively Multiplayer Online Game for the uninitiated.

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