Friday, October 27, 2023

Signing In












The tour guide took us through a few areas of the city via driving tour, then the next stop was Nathan Phillips Square. I had not heard of it before but apparently the Toronto sign here is pretty famous and people come from all over to have their picture taken with it. The guide said it was good timing on our part because there are usually tons of people all around the sign. It was built for the 2015 Pan American Games and was supposed to be torn down at the end of the games, but it became an instant hit so it remains to this day. In the winter the reflecting pool ices over and is free for skating. It was undergoing some maintenance when we were there, hence it not being totally full of water. You can see a bit of one of the three arches that go over the pool. Those are the Freedom Arches, built in 1989 to commemorate those who fought to obtain or defend freedom. Pieces of the Berlin Wall were used in the bases of some of the arches.

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