Thursday, November 27, 2014


Today is also of course, our 16th wedding anniversary. The gold and emerald represents the original gold and emerald engagement ring I got her because I was too broke to get a diamond at the time. The roses are a reminder of the 16th. Here's to 16 more and beyond!


Mari put on a feast for Lonnie, Payton and I. She even learned how to fold Christmas tree napkins to make it looks extra fancy.

Sunday, November 23, 2014


We went and saw Big Hero 6 with Payton this rainy afternoon. Pretty good!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Order Up

The good thing about FPS* games is they are usually fast paced, action fun. The bad is they tend to be short so I very rarely will pay full price for one. Luckily Wolfenstein: New Order was one of Steam's daily super cheap deals so I grabbed it. It was even better than I expected, I enjoyed it a lot, but I still finished it in about a week. Wolfenstein as a series goes way back to 1981, it was one of the first "shooters" right along with Doom. Above is the hero then, and the hero now. Graphics have improved just a little bit.

*That's First Person Shooter for the uninitiated.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Ballpark Update

They've got a roof now.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Leaves Down

Walking the dogs through the debris of fall.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Kandinsky Up

Put a little Kandinsky in my office.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Bird Brain Redux

Continuing my love of the SR-71, they just released this Hi-Res shot of the cockpit. Not sure Blogger does it justice since it shrinks pictures to fit post limits, but full screen in original format this is amazing. (To me.)

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Almost Divine

Been a while since I finished a game between Mad's neck problem and this being a very, very long one. This was a Baldur's Gate style throwback, decent sure but nowhere near as good. Also, I never figured out what "Original Sin" had to do with the game. It's like they thought Divinity was too short and decided to tack on some random words. It does get some leeway though because it was a completely Kickstarter funded game, so not from a major studio.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

You Tell 'Em

In another post probably only amusing to me, these two e-mails came in one right after the other today. Especially funny in light of all the problems we've been having with the new X1 system.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Another Step

Ten years ago we launched a probe called Philae and today it became the first Earth vessel to land on a comet. Here's the first picture it took, with one of its feet in the corner there. I think it's amazing not just that we've made one more step into the universe, but that the scientists who launched it were able to calculate ten years into the future to make this landing possible.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Gotcha Sriracha

I've joined the sriracha nation. I've been hearing a lot about this hot sauce, especially around the geek nation. Thinkgeek has an entire sriracha section. It's good stuff! But can it replace Texas Pete?

Friday, November 7, 2014

Early Fitmas

So I'm on health kick # 891,124,689. Maybe this will be the one that sticks. To help me in that goal Mari surprised me with this little gadget (the black band on my wrist), a Fitbit Flex. So far I really like it, and the tools it comes with are interesting. We'll see!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Office View

My view includes the Cumberland River and the new ballpark. Not too shabby.

Office Space

There's been an empty office at work for a while now, since my former boss Marc left. Well they finally decided who got! So here's my new digs as of today.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


November edition.