Friday, May 7, 2010


Another in the "Things Only Interesting To Me" file. My favorite plane growing up was the SR-71 Blackbird. It was a super classified spy plane. I have a terrible memory. Whenever anyone asks me about childhood goings-on I can never recall. But I clearly remember my Dad, with his Air Force connections, getting me a special visit to an air field to see a real Blackbird. I remember we weren't allowed to take pictures, and we weren't even allowed to look at it from certain angles. One of the things I always loved about the Blackbird (and yes I know I'm weird) was that when you fueled it up, the fuel poured out of it from all over. It leaked by design. If you care to know why hit the link above, I won't bore you with the explanation here. Anyway, the point of all this being they just completely declassified the Blackbird, and made it's "owner's manual" available. To think twenty years ago you'd have been shot for looking at this, and now it's on the Internet.

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