Friday, July 20, 2012

Four Is Enough

We had a pretty big storm last night and guess what, no hot water. I went outside, looked under the house. Yep, it flooded AGAIN.

To recap we had our tankless water heater put in March of 2010. The tech told us putting it in the crawl space under the house was the best location. Here is what it looked like.

Then in May of that year we had the Great Nashville Flood which swamped the crawl space and destroyed the unit. We asked if it should be there, were told it was a once in a century flood and wouldn't happen again. Repair was was covered, unit fixed, life moved on.

Then there was another storm in June, crawl space flooded, unit wiped out. This time we had to pay to have it fixed and it was not cheap. Asked if it should be moved, were assured it was a fluke (this was not very long after the flood, I think the excuse was something about the ground still being saturated or something.)

Then in August (still in 2010 mind you) the crawl space flooded again. Needless to say we were not happy, and the resolution was if we would pay to have a sump pump installed, Lee would fix the unit free.

So now we're at heater number four. I am fairly livid. Went straight for a manager. We'll see what happens.

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