Thursday, September 29, 2011

Impatient At Heart

So the Heart Saga(tm) mentioned here and here continues, drawn out by schedules and my main Doc being sick for a week. This culminates in a final diagnosis by a cardiologist today... Turns out the murmur is caused by a thickening in the left side of my heart. This can be a normal occurrence, but usually doesn't happen until a person is much older. I always knew I was hard-hearted. He couldn't tell why it happened, but it's not bad and all my other vitals are fine so no meds, no surgeries, you aren't getting rid of me that easily. Unfortunately, now I have to go to two more specialists to create a "baseline", then get it checked on every couple a years. I was really hoping this was going to be it today (You know, aside from an "I'm comin' Elizabeth" type diagnosis, but I was pretty sure that wasn't the case after the Doc did my sonogram and didn't call an ambulance or anything.)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Brain Freeze

This game came out in 2005 and I've been meaning to get around to it, so I finally did. It's held up fairly well over the years, and the Double Fine sense of humor carried it like it does most of their games.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

More Blackbirds

This is sort of lame but it amused me so...anyway one of the silly Facebook games I play released a new unit you can build, and it just happens to be the Blackbird. Coincidence? Or Snicker Snack fans? I leave that up to you to decide.

Friday, September 23, 2011

How Low Can You Go

Cool, artsy little indie game that's gotten a lot of good press so I checked it out. It was somewhat like Braid. I liked the art style of this, but Braid had more to it. I wasn't expecting a long game for 9 bucks, but I beat this in two short sittings.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Must Be Like Clean Coal

We just had our Annual Enrollment health insurance meeting. I found the fourth item needed for a healthy workplace very interesting. We're going to ask when the hookah will be set up in the break room.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I'd Rather Be A Metaphor Than A Simile

This was really good. If you like Sci-Fi or just something that delves into the nature of language, you'll enjoy this. Little slow here and there, well worth pushing through.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


This cleared out rack now houses our shiny new Exchange 2010 servers. Finally something interesting to sink my teeth into at work, as well as put that training into practice.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Given The Bird

Of course as cool as it was to finally be able to see my Dad's work and get to talk to him about it, one of his other pictures caught my eye. They had a Lockheed SR-71A Blackbird right there in the hanger. I've already documented my love for this plane here and here.

Vigilance From Above

My love of all things space no doubt came from my Dad. I always wanted to know more about what he did, but he was never able to give me specifics because it was all classified. Well...(re-posted from Dad's Facebook)..."The NRO is celebrating its 50th anniversary by declassifying the film imaging systems from the 1960's and early 1970's. Satellites from the 206, 110 and 467 programs are being donated to the Smithsonian at the Dulles Airport on September 17th. Having launched over 30 110 birds and 4 of the 467 birds, it is liberating to be able to talk about the systems. There will be over 100 payload and booster rocket officers as invited guests. This will be really cool. These flights were very key in the Cold War intelligence collection and help to save the world from mutual destruction." This is a picture from the September 17th gala. My Dad helped built and launch that thing! (And many others.)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Wasted Time

The Sun Devils and the Bears lost. We are not amused.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Dead Again

A dead week finished by finishing Dead Space 2. At least the game was really good.

Friday, September 9, 2011

OK, But If You Take My Stapler...

We were all handed these cards today. This reminded me of the scene from Office Space where they put up the big banner that reads "Is this good for the company?" We in Ops amused ourselves the rest of the day by replying with a serious tone "But, is this action legal?" to anything we were asked to do.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Visiting Dresden

So my earlier hopes for a renewed font of picture taking goodness were short-lived. On the plus side I've made it through the first four Harry Dresden books. It was the equally-short lived TV series based on these books that turned me on to them. I was told the first three were decent but Butcher really starts to hit his stride on book four and I'd have to agree, it was the best of the bunch so far.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Joining The Darksiders

I bought this as an afterthought during the Steam $5 summer sale, and had it on the back burner until recently. One of those really nice surprises when you don't go in looking for much and find a really excellent game. Can't wait for the sequel.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Visiting Austen

Was looking for something free to fill my reading time (Yes, I know about the great library Nashville has, let's move on.) Amazon has a bunch of classics for free on the Kindle. I've seen this on many "best books ever" lists but never read it. Now I have. I can see the appeal, it's got a timeless sense of humor. Probably won't make my best books ever list, but was worth the time.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Last month set a record for Snicker Snack's "Least Photogenic Month Ever." We'll see what September brings. Hey we're one for one so far.