Monday, September 19, 2011

Vigilance From Above

My love of all things space no doubt came from my Dad. I always wanted to know more about what he did, but he was never able to give me specifics because it was all classified. Well...(re-posted from Dad's Facebook)..."The NRO is celebrating its 50th anniversary by declassifying the film imaging systems from the 1960's and early 1970's. Satellites from the 206, 110 and 467 programs are being donated to the Smithsonian at the Dulles Airport on September 17th. Having launched over 30 110 birds and 4 of the 467 birds, it is liberating to be able to talk about the systems. There will be over 100 payload and booster rocket officers as invited guests. This will be really cool. These flights were very key in the Cold War intelligence collection and help to save the world from mutual destruction." This is a picture from the September 17th gala. My Dad helped built and launch that thing! (And many others.)

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