Thursday, December 31, 2009

Old Year's Last First Lunch

For the last lunch of the year, I had my first not Christmas related lunch with some coworkers today. It was no La Ha, but it was still nice.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Park Place

I can now officially park in the garage under my building.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Capitol Lunch

I realize this is pretty close to the picture in this post, but at the time I didn't know it would become my "usual". I have settled into an old routine in a new place: A microwave pizza, a bottle of water, and something to read. Only now instead of in my office, it's by the window in the break room with the added bonus of of people watching below. New show every day from 12 to 1.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Kroger Time

One of the benefits of getting off work at 4, you can go grocery shopping and still be home before you'd normally be out of work.

Sunday, December 27, 2009


The Friday before our Christmas vacation began Mari and I had Chinese food from our favorite hole-in-the-wall, China Wok. My fortune said something about luck showering down, and Mari's said something about luck in the near future. Well a billion people can't be wrong. From New York to Ireland, this could not have been a better week.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Traditional Lighting

We headed down to Opryland with the Lonnie, Amanda, and Payton to see the lights and eat at the Cascades, a Christmas tradition (though it usually included my folks.) It was a good time despite a huge crowd of people checking in for tomorrow's Music City bowl game.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas The Next Generation

Mari and Payton on Christmas morning.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Darth Santa

Watching all three original Star Wars movies seems like a good Christmas Eve tradition.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Triumphant Return

Airport to Bed & Biscuit to Home. And all is well. Mari pointed out pretty much every picture I have of our dogs has them asleep, so I'm going to have to come up with some action shots to prove that's not all they do.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Last Bite In The Apple

Dinner at a New York deli, and a slice of New York cheesecake to finish it off. Tomorrow is an early flight out, so I'll say so long to Gotham now. It's been incredible.


A nod to James.

Grand Central 3

And the grand entry, with the double staircase.

Grand Central 2

The iconic ball clocks over the ticket station.

Grand Central Terminal

Our last stop. Grand Central Station.

Between The Lions

We strolled by the New York Public Library and saw the very steps the Ghostbusters fled down (picture not mine, I didn't get a blogworthy one.)


Our final walk. We cut down one street and got to witness the deployment of several FDNY trucks as they raced up and put out a burning Irish pub.

Going Under

We had walked almost everywhere with the occasional cab, so we thought we must experience the subway before we left.

Miracle Mouse

We all met up at Macy's. The original store of "Miracle on 34th Street" fame. It was, like most shopping stores this close to Christmas regardless of New York, packed to the gills. We heard it was a minimum of a 30 minute wait to buy anything. So our visit was brief.

Armored Parade

You can guess what my favorite wing was. After several leisurely hours there we only finished the first floor, but we had to meet up with the rest of the family so it was time to go.

Artistic Lunch

We were still only about half way through the Met's first floor, so we stopped for lunch there. They have several places to eat, one of them with a view of Central Park, which never gets old.


This work by Georgia O'Keeffe called "Ranchos Church" caught Mari's eye.

The Met

First stop, the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We're taking today slow after walking about 50 miles yesterday. We're also on our own for most of it, as the rest of the clan has reservations for the whole American Girl experience.


Our last day dawns with us finally getting to those New York bagels. We did the cream cheese, but passed on the lox.

Monday, December 21, 2009


All of us enjoyed Saks Fifth Avenue, the entire building covered in glowing snowflakes.


Not the best picture, but this was my favorite sight on the way to the hotel. Giant stacked ornaments on a water fountain surrounded by lit up trees.


Now the long walk home. Mari liked this blue-lit building.

Times 2

After the play we walked down to Times Square. Even at 11:30 it was jammed full of people.


Our first Broadway play. Wicked. With Jennie and Steve. And it was very good.

Little Italy

More rest at the Kimberly, then dinner at Luna Piena, a recommendation of doorman Ralph. The only thing better than our authentic Italian waiter and his great accent, was no exaggeration the best Italian food I have ever eaten.


Trump Tower.


Down from the Disney Store, Mari particularly liked the Cartier building's decoration.


This lead us by the New York Disney store. And who could resist a quick stroll through there?


Now done with FAO, here came even more walking. From there back to the hotel. On the way Mari and I snagged our first New York pretzel.

May The Schwarz Be With You

But more importantly (to some), it is also the home of the famous FAO Schwarz Toys.

Big Apple

Now what? Yep, more walking. From 30 Rock to the corner of Central Park, where lies the Apple Store.

Top Of The Rock 5

River view.

Top Of The Rock 4

The Statue of Liberty can barely be seen out there on the water. Again, Mari got a much better shot with the more powerful digital camera.

Top Of The Rock 3

Empire State building view.

Top Of The Rock 2

Central Park view.

Top Of The Rock 1

We went up to the top and were blown away by the view. Here's a little attempt at something artistic with city and snow. Mari took better ones with the "real" camera.

Rockefeller Center

The GE building, otherwise known as 30 Rock.


And the arguably more famous Rockefeller Skating Rink.

Rockefeller Tree

Across the street from Radio City, the next stop was Rockefeller Center. Here the famous tree.

Dancin' Girls

We walked down and dropped Jenni and Megan off at Radio City to see the Rockettes. One more sight crossed off the list.

The Times

Day three began with Starbucks coffee and a copy of the New York Times. Jenni, Steve, Megan, and Scott finally made it in late last night after a long trek from Seattle, not helped by the huge snow storm.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Re Spire

This was actually taken the next day, but I wanted to group it. A better shot of the spires.

Ex spire

The Exit (or at least the window over it.)

In Spire


Out Spire

A rest at the hotel and it was on to Saint Patrick's Cathedral, a short walk away.

New Yorkscapes

A random picture of the city I liked.