Sunday, June 30, 2024

It Is Time












Mad is ready for her morning walk.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Blue Jay Day












That new zoom is no joke.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Trippy Road Trips









Pacific Drive is a unique blend of driving sim and first person explorer. You have a special car you can customize in many ways that protects you on trips through a fictional "science gone wrong" zone called the Pacific Exclusion Zone. Solid story, really great voice acting, only slightly let down by an ending that falls a little flat. It's a very grindy game, so I admit I might have cheated a little to speed that process up. I find as I get older I have a lot less patience for grind.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Ol' Squirrel Zoom Test












Checking out the sweet new 200 MP zoom on my phone. Wow. Compare this to my previous zoom capability, also keeping in mind the other picture I had to take larger, then manually zoom in using a picture editor and crop out that section. The image above is straight from the phone as is.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Return To The Galaxy















Up until a few months ago my Pixel 6 Pro was easily my favorite cell so far. Then for some reason it stopped doing the one function a phone needs to do, working as a phone. People would call, but it would never ring or show anything missed on my end. The calls just went off into nowhere. That's not acceptable with work and family trying to get in touch with me, so I had to change.

Enter the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra. Honestly the S24 Plus was enough phone for me, but the Ultra has a huge 200 MP zoom lens. I take a lot of pictures with my phone and couldn't resist the siren song of that feature.

 So far I'm really liking this phone, and you know, it actually gets all the calls sent to it so that's nice.

 Just for fun, a little blog memory lane:

2021 - Pixel 6 Pro 

2016 - Samsung Galaxy S7

2014 - Samsung Galaxy S5 

2012 - Motorola Droid Razr Maxx

2010 - Motorola Droid

2008 - Motorola Maxx

Pre 2008 - LG VX-6000

 Fun fact the Motorola Maxx was the first phone with a camera, at a whopping 2 MP!




Sunday, June 16, 2024













Happy Father's Day to all. I'm very grateful I've got a great Dad and great kids!

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Party Street












We went to a party at my boss Nathalie's house and the road to get to her road had a very familiar name.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024













Two sweet pups.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Short Sweet Shot








Call of Juarez is a series of western themed games, and Gunslinger is the third in the series though they are not continuous stories. It was released in 2013. I hadn't had much interest in the series, but as tends to happen this went on sale for just a couple of bucks and a few gaming sites talked about how it was a steal for a good game. So I figured why not. I really enjoyed it, good story, solid voice acting, good gameplay. I finished it just a couple of sessions but I think it was the right length, any more would have started to get redundant. Glad I played it.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

I Like Birds












A rare appearance of the larger woodpecker. I like birds, in case this blog hasn't made that obvious.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Magnificent Maggie












This might be the perfect magnolia blossom.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Date Night










Our favorite downy woodpeckers are having a little dinner together tonight.

Sunday, June 2, 2024










I never played Everspace 1. Everspace 2 got a lot of good reviews and I bought into the hype (well, you know me, bought on sale like most of my games.) While the graphics were solid and I enjoyed the story, I found the gameplay extremely repetitive and tedious. The worst part being you are in a space ship with 360 degrees of freedom and they give you very little to no directional hints for quests and puzzles, making it a boring, time consuming task to try and figure out where you are supposed to go and do. I ended up using google more times than not rather than spend an hour finding some obscure item hidden behind an asteroid.

Saturday, June 1, 2024









June, cicadas are leaving, heat is arriving. Not sure which I prefer.