Monday, March 25, 2024

Killer Game









Killer Frequency is an indy game that shows how you can focus on a simple setting with a complex story and make something interesting. In this first person game you're an 80's late night radio host. It's just you and your producer in the studio. After learning the basic controls of the studio, where you can actually play records, use a sound board, take calls and play ads you get a call from the police. It's a small town of less than 1,000 and the sheriff has been killed and another officer incapacitated. The only remaining officer leaves town to get help and forwards all 911 calls to you. That part of the story is a bit contrived but the rest is really interesting. Using just things you find around the radio station you have to guide people who call in running or trapped by the killer to safety. Its a short game, I finished in just two sessions, but really well done and enjoyable.

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