Saturday, September 10, 2022
















Neon White is a hard game to describe. It's a platformer where you pick up cards that have two functions, they either act as a gun, or if you discard them giver you a special movement power like an extra high jump, or quick dash. The levels are all quick, most less than a minute and the point is to figure out the quickest way to finish the level using the card abilities. Normally I do not do platform games. I find them too twitchy and very frustrating, but Neon White was getting rave reviews and as always I get suckered in by a good sale. The game was solid so it's hard to give it a bad review, it's just not my kind of game. As expected I had to play some of the levels many times to get the pace right, or because I missed some barely makeable jump to some ledge. That kind of thing just really annoys me, so instead of being fun I just wanted to finish it and be done. I know a lot of people love platform games so, YMMV. The main lesson here is when you know you don't like a certain genre, don't play those games.

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