Friday, September 30, 2022

Moen Better












It took a day longer than expected but the new shower is complete and it's everything we could have hoped for. It looks fantastic and feels great when you're in it. The only thing I worry about is our water bill because you could spend all day in there.

 We'll decide how to build out the closet and fix up the rest of the bathroom next!

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Full Toss











Out with the old, can't wait to see the new!

Mid Toss













The deconstruction has begun!

Tub Toss













We're pretty excited we've been planning this quite a few years now and it's finally time! Our old bathtub and shower (or the dust collector and coffin as we call them) are about to be no more!

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Some Buzz












Lots of big fuzzy carpenters lately. Just as long as they leave our wood alone.













We had a new visitor to add to the butterfly list

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Cat Fancy









Stray is a fun, if short, game where you literally play a cat. Of course a really smart cat in a post apocalyptic world assisted by a little drone. But still, a cat. I had a lot of fun with it.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Cooper Town












We had a unique guest this afternoon, a large Cooper's Hawk came to rest on the shepherds hook our bird feeder hangs from. Very pretty, we just hope he wasn't looking for a feathery snack!

Saturday, September 10, 2022
















Neon White is a hard game to describe. It's a platformer where you pick up cards that have two functions, they either act as a gun, or if you discard them giver you a special movement power like an extra high jump, or quick dash. The levels are all quick, most less than a minute and the point is to figure out the quickest way to finish the level using the card abilities. Normally I do not do platform games. I find them too twitchy and very frustrating, but Neon White was getting rave reviews and as always I get suckered in by a good sale. The game was solid so it's hard to give it a bad review, it's just not my kind of game. As expected I had to play some of the levels many times to get the pace right, or because I missed some barely makeable jump to some ledge. That kind of thing just really annoys me, so instead of being fun I just wanted to finish it and be done. I know a lot of people love platform games so, YMMV. The main lesson here is when you know you don't like a certain genre, don't play those games.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Leaving OZ












Then all the artists got up on stage to get their "diploma" for finishing the course. Hopefully Jade got something good out of it and can turn her passion for art into a living.

The Mayor of OZ












The contest portion opened with a speech by the mayor himself, John Cooper. After that the top eight students in the business course pitched ideas to a panel of local artists and that panel then chose the winner who got a couple of thousand bucks to kick start their art endeavor.
















Some other pieces hidden around the corner.

OZ Art












Jade and Sapphire's art across several mediums, some of it in cake form.

OZ Artists














Dad and the artists Jade and her sister Sapphire showing him their booth.

Inside OZ












Inside was a large convention space, half devoted to the art booths and the other set up for a contest being held later.

Off To OZ












Our friend Jade invited us to an art show she was a part of being held at OZ Arts Nashville, put on by the Arts Business Council. It was the culmination of their Periscope Program, which teaches artists how to turn their art into a business so they can do what they love professionally.

Friday, September 2, 2022

School Dash VI












And then it was time to go, we headed straight back to Nashville. A lot of long driving but worth the visit!

School Dash V












Lunch and spending time with Kenzie.

School Dash IV















Then we went into the gym for a picture op and lunch. Gramma Paula on Ashley's side was there too, as well as her great gramma.

School Dash III












After the presentation there was a book fair to support the school, so of course Gramma had to get a book or ten.

Usually the kids have a uniform but today was also "50's Day" so they could choose to dress retro.

School Dash II












She was really happy to see us, her class did three or four little songs they'd learned for the occasion. Mackenzie is kind of hidden in the back left there. That's her teacher leading them through their songs on the far left.

School Dash












Today is Grandparent's Day at Kenzie's school and she really wanted us to come, so we drove down from Nashville last night.

Thursday, September 1, 2022





We look forward to the end of summer.