Sunday, August 28, 2022

Sky High Paper Thin















No Man's Sky is a hard one to rate. This game came out in 2016 to a lot of big promises about a totally open, procedurally generated universe to explore. Turned out it missed the mark big time and was pretty much universally panned (pun intended) as a failure. But the folks who made the game kept plugging away and doing content updates, and finally here in 2022 the tide was starting to turn. People said it had started to fulfill the promises. So it went on Steam sale and for 20 bucks I figured it was time to jump on board. I'm not alone in noticing that NMS is a game that is hugely broad but very thin. The exploring and the ship and base building is really fun for a while, but all the content is just very shallow. You can build a base but not really populate it. You can add specific people but once you get through their little story you can't talk to them and they don't do anything. You can build a capitol ship, build a squadron and a fleet, but there's no real personality to any of it. You can found a settlement, but there are only about five different buildings you build over and over, and you can't really interact with any of the settlers. So many things to do, but once you get past the veneer there's not much there. So again, hard to rate. I enjoyed a lot of it and put a lot of time into it, yet somehow I don't know I'd recommend it.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

The Peeper












A little friend hitchhiked in on the watering can and decided to hang out on my cup. See if you can spot him. Or her.

Friday, August 19, 2022

A Few Points












Always nice to see our deer neighbors are still around.

Sunday, August 14, 2022













Two different butterflies at once today. In the lower left is the eastern tiger swallowtail and upper middle is the spicebush swallowtail who we've seen before as well.

Saturday, August 13, 2022













This little guy is a repeat customer but I really enjoyed the way the sun is shimmering on it's wings so I decided to throw in another picture. I looked it up and it's an eastern tiger swallowtail.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Red State









After the art exhibit there was a dinner and entertainment gathering at the Hyundai dealership down the street. We met a nice family headed by an Army veteran named Dave who was quite a character (that's him on the far left.) The rest of the evening we'll put aside. Let's just say the entertainment and the speakers that went up were definitely red state cult members.

Vet Not Metal












Though all his other pieces were metal, I thought this lone carved wood piece was intriguing.

Vet Metal












The other exhibit was by a metal worker named Valentine, he was an Air Force vet.

Wood War Wags












Here's the same exhibit from the other side.

Vet Art












Mom and Dad were always working with Monthaven Arts and Cultural Center (MACC), a local art gallery and institute. They put on a special event to support their art for veterans cause and we got tickets, knowing the proceeds went to veterans programs. There were two main exhibits, this one hand carved wooden war dogs.

Monday, August 1, 2022











Going nowhere fast, August already?