Thursday, March 10, 2022













Since working from home looks like it's going to be a permanent thing, and we're also going to be moving out of Parkway Tower completely in about a year, they've been moving things around in the operations corner to give the help desk guys who still have to go in every day more space. Why keep them in a little corner when they have an entire floor of an office that's almost always empty? As a part of that they really don't have anywhere to store important things with a door that locks, so they asked if they could have my office and if I would be willing to move into the one next door with Jerry.

Given the fact I have only been in my office a handful of times since the pandemic hit two years ago, it wasn't hard to let it go. So here it is, cleaned out. And here it is, when I first moved in. 2014. 8 years ago. Can you believe it?

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