Friday, April 29, 2016

No Savannah

After months of planning the trip to Savannah got derailed by a sick dog. Mystic is all better but the kennel wanted a letter from the vet stating it was pneumonia not kennel cough as the symptoms are very similar. No problem we got one. We show up a 7am when they open, all packed and ready to go from there, and they read the letter and say it has to specifically state Mystic is not contagious. OK, well you didn't say that before, just that she didn't have kennel cough, but we can do that. The vet doesn't open until 8, so we board Mad and Tara and take Mystic with us to breakfast. At 8 we return, call the vet, and the vet says for liability reasons they can't definitively state she isn't contagious as there are some rarer forms of contagious bacterial pneumonia. We could bring her in and do extensive blood work to narrow down exactly what strain she has, but it would be expensive and the results wouldn't be quick. So clearly no point and we can't board a "contagious" there goes that. Really, very disappointed. Can't blame Abby's for not wanting a contagious animal, can't blame the vet for not wanting to be liable...still we can't help but think both sides could have been more helpful or clear on the expectations before we showed up.

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