Friday, April 29, 2016

No Savannah

After months of planning the trip to Savannah got derailed by a sick dog. Mystic is all better but the kennel wanted a letter from the vet stating it was pneumonia not kennel cough as the symptoms are very similar. No problem we got one. We show up a 7am when they open, all packed and ready to go from there, and they read the letter and say it has to specifically state Mystic is not contagious. OK, well you didn't say that before, just that she didn't have kennel cough, but we can do that. The vet doesn't open until 8, so we board Mad and Tara and take Mystic with us to breakfast. At 8 we return, call the vet, and the vet says for liability reasons they can't definitively state she isn't contagious as there are some rarer forms of contagious bacterial pneumonia. We could bring her in and do extensive blood work to narrow down exactly what strain she has, but it would be expensive and the results wouldn't be quick. So clearly no point and we can't board a "contagious" there goes that. Really, very disappointed. Can't blame Abby's for not wanting a contagious animal, can't blame the vet for not wanting to be liable...still we can't help but think both sides could have been more helpful or clear on the expectations before we showed up.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Back To The Gate

Finished Pillars of Eternity, a throwback game by the same people who made the well loved Baldur's Gate series. I thought it was very well done, though I picked the wrong character to play. I would have enjoyed it more as a different class but by the time I realized that, I didn't want to start all over. Maybe I'll do another run through at some later time.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

No Mama

We had tickets to go see Mama Mia but our little girl here has managed to catch pneumonia. So we stayed home to take care of her and rented the movie instead. If the movie is any indication, we dodged a bullet there but who knows the songs would probably have been good sung by people...who can actually sing.

Saturday, April 16, 2016


Along with the fuzzy kids.


Several of my friends at work are cigar smokers and occasionally they give me one to try. I got a lot done around the house today, it was a beautiful afternoon, so I decided to lounge on the deck in one of our new chairs and enjoy it....the Man o War - Virtue.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


It's hard to see the details because my phone camera doesn't zoom all that well, but here is the first weekday day game since the Sounds moved into the new stadium. There's supposed to be several this year, so a repeated treat to sit at work and watch baseball. Not that I'm doing that instead of working or anything.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Under Cover

My Mom and Dad just finished this beautiful quilt for us. It would have been nice to get a clear picture of it, but that's life in the zoo we call our house.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

On Top

The ol' flowing cherry tree blooms again.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Guard Dogs

Sometimes a random picture makes the blog just because I like it, and this is one of those times. Here are Evy and Ricky, two dogs trained by the Coast Guard in their helicopter gear including ear protecting helmets and sun visors. And I just thought it was cool. My blog. My rules.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Dual Visit

Payton and Elliot visiting.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Now replaced with beautiful, clear windows of a much better quality. The whole downstairs is really coming along, I'm very happy with the results so far.


The bay windows in the back of the house have looked like this for years, and no it's not because we're terrible window cleaners. All three had broken and gotten condensation / dirt between the panes.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


The cabinet refinishing, repainting, and adding glass is complete and looks really good!

Monday, April 4, 2016


April showers bring a busy month.

Sunday, April 3, 2016


Hard to believe when Tara first got here, these two couldn't be left in the same room together.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Preds vs Sharks

I am a 100% convert to Nashville teams now, but it's impossible not to root for one of my all time favorite players, Patrick Marleau. It was a fun game ending in a rare shootout, though unfortunately we lost.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Creed Twins

Another Assassin's Creed game. The main characters were good but underdeveloped, the plot had a good foundation but was also underdeveloped, and this was what I call a "filler game". Where the main quests took barely any time at all, so they threw in a bunch of filler stuff to make it seem longer. That said I still had fun, and they did an amazing job of recreating 1860's London. I could have just explored the city as a game in itself.