Friday, January 9, 2015


Big time geekiness ahead, proceed with caution:

So I read a lot of comic books growing up and liked a lot of heroes, but Iron Man was always far and above my favorite. In the comic series my favorite of all his armors was easily the Mark VIII, known as the Silver Centurion armor. So fast forward many years and the movies come out, and Tony builds the Mark I in the cave, then the Mark II, then the III. Iron Man 2 comes out and through the course of that story he builds Mark IV through VI. Then in Avengers he builds the VII. Some of these armors looked like they did in the comics, many looked a lot different but now I'm thinking we're almost to 8, so the next suit will be the Silver Centurion in some form. Iron Man 3 comes out and the Mark VIII is not the Silver Centurion nor does it look anything like it, oh well. A little disappointing but what can ya do? I watch the 3rd movie and the end scene where he wears several different armors through the big fight, but don't think much of it.

Later, I get a newsletter from an online toy store I subscribe to and it's talking about how Hot Toys is making a Silver Centurion replica from Iron Man 3. First of all Hot Toys is a company that makes high end for grown ups basically. Their stuff is really good. did I miss my favorite armor somehow? It turns out in Iron Man 3, the Silver Centurion was his Mark XXXIII armor, and it's the first armor he wears during the climactic fight. I just didn't recognize it. So, long story short it's mine now, it's pretty damn cool, and no I will never grow up.

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