Monday, January 27, 2014

If You Build It...

So this is hard to see because the zoom on my phone sucks, but if you look a bit up from center you'll see a tent in the middle of a road and an area roped off in orange to the left of it. This was the official ground breaking ceremony for the new baseball park they will be building right outside where I work. All those parking lots will soon be a parking garage and a new stadium for the Nashville Sounds. Will be interesting to watch it go up, I'm sure more pictures to follow.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Flesh Wound

I got this little solar powered robot kit for Christmas from the Atlanta Irelands and finally got around to putting it together. I haven't built a model in forever, and I only managed to cut myself once. So proud.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Heavy Metal

So why have I been playing all those indie games? Because for the past two months I have been heavily playing a game called Mechwarrior Online, so the indie games are just a break from it. I got talked into playing by my friend Micky and have been really enjoying it. The basic premise is you're the pilot of a giant robot called a Mech, and you run around and blow up other players. It's a lot more complicated than that, you really have to think about your Mech designs and be strategic, work with your team. Unlike most "shooter" style games where you can run around guns blazing and lone wolf it. Lone wolfs in this game go fast. Anyway lots of fun and no end in sight.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Take Warning

Sailors beware, it's a red morning.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Oh Stanley

The Stanley Parable is another indie tile, like I talked about here. In this one you wander an office building to try and figure out where all your coworkers went while a narrator tells you what to do....only you don't have to do what the narrator says and when you deviate from the "proper" story funny things happen. I also like the title screen shown here with a screen within a screen within a screen, etc...and when you move the mouse it reflects on all the screens.

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Tara loves sleeping on the deck, even when it's cold.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Faster Than Longer Games

I've been playing a lot of a game called Mechwarrior Online, which I will no doubt post about sometime soon. In between when I start to feel a little burned out on it, I've been playing more Indie games lately. Much like iTunes did for independent musicians, and Amazon has done for self-publishing authors, Steam has created a place where small, Independent programmers can sell their wares. It started with Gone Home, and now FTL. They're good "in between" games because they are usually cheap (less then 10 bucks) and short, but still imaginative and fun.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Ice Sculpture

It's a balmy 36 degrees today and everything is starting to thaw out, leaving behind this interesting, twisted, spikey ice formation. I never thought 36 would feel warm, we even got the dogs out of the house for a walk since I'm sure they were going a little cabin crazy.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Cold Water Nonheater

We woke up this morning to no hot water after a frigid night, the tankless had frozen over. By the afternoon it had thawed out and is working fine, no leaks or anything, so it could be worse but we're worried about tonight. This is a picture I took, trying to figure out what model of heat tape they used since that is supposed to stop things like this from happening. The heat tape controller is that black box on the left, and those metal looking tubes are the heating lines. We love the tankless when it works, but if something is going to go wrong it always seems to be this thing.

Monday, January 6, 2014


It's pretty damn cold today.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Ready To Game

I have all my Christmas swag set up now. The really nice headphones Mari got me, along with the light up Bears mouse pad, the radioactive element coasters (hard to see, it's the glowing orange thing my soda is on), and the mini-plasma ball Lonnie and Amanda got me.

Thursday, January 2, 2014


The first wolf of the year. Let the resolutions begin!