Saturday, October 26, 2013

Pulled The Wool Over

Kandinsky was only a side gallery this time, the main attraction was an artist named Christopher Wool. Now the point of art is that it's subjective, and I admit to not knowing a lot about the intricacies of the art world, but nobody in our party could figure out how the hell this guy became a major attraction at the Guggenheim. It was mainly stenciled letters or the same thing over and over, only sometimes he'd paint a few black lines over a section, or take a bad black and white picture then spray paint squiggles all over it. One of his stencils said "If you can't take a joke, you can get the fuck out of my house." So maybe that's the point, it's a joke I'm not in on. Anyway the part that made me laugh at the pretension of it all was a piece called "Beer on the Wall #34" where he just threw stuff on a canvas, which is fine Pollok made a career of that, but they called the process "random procedural fallout". So from now on instead of saying shit happens I'm going to say random procedural fallout occurs. (Mari took this picture and let me use it, so credit goes to her.)

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