Saturday, June 15, 2013

Hopalong Again

Mystic came up lame Wednesday when we got home from work, she wouldn't put any weight on her leg. We thought well crap, here we go again (it's the other leg, not the one she had surgery on.) We made a vet appointment for today then limited her mobility the rest of the week. It got progressively better until she was hardly limping today but I took her anyway. She either strained or frayed her ACL but didn't completely blow it out this time. Some anti-inflammatory meds and two weeks of limited mobility and she should be fine. I was mostly worried about her and the strain of possible surgery, but I also admit not staring down the barrel of another thousand in vet fees is a relief. Still, it makes me wonder if her other knee going out is a future inevitability. Getting old sucks, why haven't we cured that yet?


Rocket scientist said...

In talking with your sister it was concluded that I am as old as dirt. Was going to change my nickname to Dirt but I get to keep Papa..


Rocket scientist said...

How do you get people to leave comments. Mari is the only comment after 8,000 pages views.