Sunday, June 30, 2013

End Of The Month

Hit another photogenic dry spell, but I figured I needed to put something up as the month comes to an end or they'll arrest me for loitering.

I'm not posting my thoughts on books anymore because for a long time I have been a part of a community called Goodreads (Mari found it actually.) So I put my book stuff on there now, and it seemed redundant to keep doing it here. If you still care to know what I'm reading and what I think about it, joining is free, just add me as a friend (Mari too if you're so inclined.)

I haven't posted any gaming news because for more than a month now both Mari and I have been obsessively playing the new Neverwinter MMO. It too is free (it supports itself through micro transactions), and is amazingly good and a ton of content for zero money (full disclosure, we may or may not have dropped some money on it anyway, I mean can you really say no to that cool, cash only armored horse? I didn't think so.) As an interesting side note, Mari and I met playing the original Neverwinter MMO hosted on AOL back in the day. Check out the graphics on the new Neverwinter, then check out the graphics on the old Neverwinter. Just a little different huh?

Looking forward to the new month and my folks coming down over the 4th weekend, hopefully July will be a veritable cornucopia of picture worthy events. Or a wolf shot followed by a few dogs pics. Whichever.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Almost Super

Went to the Man of Steel on this Father's Day. It had all the right elements as far as plot and acting (I think, they didn't let Henry Cavill say more than 10 lines, which was one of the biggest problems. He delivered the 10 well though.) but they just didn't come together. Too many plot holes and too much fighting without enough development. Kind of meh, but I have hopes maybe they can put together a better sequel, because as I said I think Henry Cavill is the best Supes in a long time.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Hopalong Again

Mystic came up lame Wednesday when we got home from work, she wouldn't put any weight on her leg. We thought well crap, here we go again (it's the other leg, not the one she had surgery on.) We made a vet appointment for today then limited her mobility the rest of the week. It got progressively better until she was hardly limping today but I took her anyway. She either strained or frayed her ACL but didn't completely blow it out this time. Some anti-inflammatory meds and two weeks of limited mobility and she should be fine. I was mostly worried about her and the strain of possible surgery, but I also admit not staring down the barrel of another thousand in vet fees is a relief. Still, it makes me wonder if her other knee going out is a future inevitability. Getting old sucks, why haven't we cured that yet?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Philosophical Quandary

Do munchies get the munchies?

Monday, June 10, 2013

The Magic Of Books

Urban fantasy with an interesting concept, there's a specialized line of magic that lets the "libriomancer" pull things out of books. There's a whole system of rules the author lays out to keep things in check, but basically any book that is popular and has built up enough "belief" allows the person to remove objects. For one example the titular character pulls a thermal detonator out of a Star Wars book. Not as good as the Dresden Files (the standard to which all urban fantasy must be held), but still a fun read. Looking forward to the next one.

Sunday, June 9, 2013


This little guy rode out the rain on our window, giving me an opportunity to get a nice shot. I liked the picture so I'm posting it. You know, deep motivations here at Snicker Snack.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


I picked this up thinking it would just be some interesting anecdotes about how our DNA defines us and the people around us. Instead it turned into a deep dive into genetics and it's scientific history, with a few stories about interesting quirks of people and history to support it. I have to admit there were several times when it went completely over my head, and I fought through without fully understanding the science I was reading, but still it was very interesting and a little scary. Not an easy read, but worth the time if the subject interests you.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Geek Tunes

...for "Video Games Live", the orchestral scores from video games past and present. Video games don't get a lot of respect, but it's now a 65 billion dollar industry and most A level games employ full, movie quality orchestras to do the soundtrack. (Post show edit - It was excellent!)


Dinner at Joe's Crab Shack with the Kramers then on to the Schermerhorn Symphony Center...

Monday, June 3, 2013

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Minion XL

Minion has gotten big! She and Mystic still get along great. Mad is very, very, very slowly warming up.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Jungle Fish

Lunch at the Rainforest Cafe.


We all took a turn on the carousel with Payton at Opry Mills. This is Lonnie's turn. Mine somehow made it on Mari's Facebook page.