Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Happy Tails

So we found this really sweet puppy standing in the middle of the road on the way home. We really didn't know what to do with her, so we got her in the car and drove around knocking on random doors. No luck. We were considering taking her home with us when the people who lived on the corner right next to where we found her offered to keep her in their backyard for a night or two while we all tried to hunt down the owners. We went home and brought back food and treats for the dog because the family, super nice people, only had a cat. Anyway, the dad whose name is Andrew found a missing dog ad on Craigslist and found her family. So the best possible ending. But we almost had a third dog for a minute there.

1 comment:

Rocket scientist said...

You all are very kind heatred and we are proud of you...Mom and Dad