Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Return Of The Living Dogs

Another Halloween, another pumpkin and "trick or treater". I think we've gotten our money's worth out of those shirts:


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Happy Tails

So we found this really sweet puppy standing in the middle of the road on the way home. We really didn't know what to do with her, so we got her in the car and drove around knocking on random doors. No luck. We were considering taking her home with us when the people who lived on the corner right next to where we found her offered to keep her in their backyard for a night or two while we all tried to hunt down the owners. We went home and brought back food and treats for the dog because the family, super nice people, only had a cat. Anyway, the dad whose name is Andrew found a missing dog ad on Craigslist and found her family. So the best possible ending. But we almost had a third dog for a minute there.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Yes she is.


Mari's pin lanyard, my hat that I also used for pins, Mickey ears, a chocolate frog from Hogsmeade (complete with collectible card but I got Salazar Slytherin boo), and a limited edition Mickey watch Mari got for me.

The Best Part Of The End...

 bringing the puppies home from Abby's Bed-N-Biskit.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Fade Out

Home. There's only one thing missing.


Mari and I don't have time for another park today, we have to fly home. So while the Ireland clan heads to the Animal Kingdom Park, we head to the Orlando airport. We're relaxing a little before breakfast while Payton tells his Gramma all about his favorite parts.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Dead Tired

Main Street lit for a Halloween exit.

Ghost Lights

The "Hallowishes" show and fireworks, once again around and over Cinderella's Castle. I have to say I think this show was even better then the "Wishes" one from the other night.

Dead Line

Mickey's Not So Scary "Boo To You" Parade.

Jacked Again

Just as I post about missing characters Payton meets Jack Sparrow.


The after hours Halloween party. The trick or treat bit has been a little disappointing. You walk through the queues of certain rides and they give you candy. I guess I was expecting the candy to be handed out by characters, or the queues to be done up in some fun Halloween style. But it's not characters, it's just workers with barrels, and the queues are just the same chain-formed lines. I was expecting more. However there is also special parade then a special fireworks show. And it is fun to see most of the guests, young and old, wearing costumes.

Second Land, Second Visit


First Land, Second Visit

Liberty Square.

Starting Point

On the way to the lands we didn't do on Friday.


After two days of early morning to late night park days we decided to take it easy today, especially since we have tickets to the after hours Disney Halloween party. So we slept in, had a slow lunch then headed back to the Magic Kingdom.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


The Despicable Me ride was also really good.

Dis Guys

Payton with Spiderman.

Sorted Out

The Sorting Hat talks to you just before the ride. The ride was worth the wait and possibly the best I've ever been on. We talked about how we really wanted to go again, and then something cool happened. Our picture from the ride was bad, as in the flash didn't go off properly so the picture was all dark. Lonnie joked "Does that mean we get try again?", not really expecting anything. The picture girl said "Sure" and walked us up the exit to the front of the line so we immediately got to go again!


While waiting for the ride they keep you occupied with various props and the moving paintings (which were done amazingly well) here's the house score jars.

Higher Learning

Hogwarts Castle, home of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

86 And Snow

Hogsmeade Village. Lining both sides of the street are all the stores from the books, Zonko's Jokes, Olivander's Wands, the Three Broomsticks, the Owl Post, Honeyduke's Candy, The Hog's Head, etc, etc.


The Hogwarts Express, at Platform 9 3/4 of course.


The entry arch.

Universal Studios

Starting the day with Harry.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Big Finish

The "Wishes Spectacular" with fireworks over Cinderella's castle. We were here from 9am to 10pm. Tired!

Light Bright

The classic Main Street Electrical Parade.

Jacked Up

And concluded with a special show with Captain Jack Sparrow.


It included a pirate parade.

A Pirate's Life

Payton and Lonnie joined the pirate crew.

Third Land


Second Land


First Land


Royal Entrance

The castle.

Disney World

Main Street.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Animal Attraction

This guy named Jamal came by and sat by our window all through dinner.


Dinner at Sanaa with another great view.

Room With A View Redux


Room With A View

This is right off our balcony.

Disney Touch

Our room.

Lodged In Again

The opposite view of the lobby.

Lodged In

Our Disney World vacation has begun! The lobby of the Animal Kingdom Lodge where we are staying.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Two Dogs Enter...

Can't help it, I have cute dogs. Pictures must be taken of them.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Hanging On

Our Obama car magnet made it through the week! (Last election cycle someone stole it a few days after we got it. I'm still taking bets on how long it will last.)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Wool Gathering

Just finished this on the recommendation of Mari, who heard it was good from several other people. They were right, a great read. What I also liked is that Hugh Howey, the author, is all self published through Amazon. Like music starting to ditch the record labels, authors will be able to make a living without having to use a publishing house. Then if you need some help with editing or design you can go to a place like this.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Hallo Again

Finished the third one. Good stuff, better than the first. Now I have to hunt down ODST and Reach.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunday's Best

Watchin' football with a dog sleeping on my foot.That little speck of black nestled under the blanket is Mad, notice the ever present nearby toy.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Saturday's Code

Another Saturday, another Smth G Straw.

Monday, October 1, 2012


We're going to Disney World this month, so there should actually be interesting things beyond books, games, and space.