Monday, October 31, 2011


The pumpkin and the trick or treater ride again. And again. And again.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Graphic Content

I would have warned you about this picture, but seeing as how the picture comes before the text that's kind of a moot point. So, sorry if I ruined your appetite or anything. Here is Mari's probably a recluse bite. If you can imagine, it's looking great compared to how things were. You didn't want a picture of that. These events chronicled: Here 1st - Here 2nd - Here 3rd - Here 4th - And finally the link included in the text above.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


All the leaves aren't brown, and the sky is grey. We went for a drive on a winter's day.

Friday, October 28, 2011

No. 2

Week three. Where did it come from, and when will it go? It's possibly load bearing.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wake Up


Great plot, average gameplay.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Parting Shot

A short visit ends in the morning, Payton took this, I'm sure it has some artistic significance.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Sharp Collection

How can you tell Payton and family are coming up from Georgia? All the sharp and pointy things find their way to higher ground.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Wasted Space

Warp travel or Cardiologist's carpet? This was really annoying to me, I thought I was getting my baseline done. Instead I waited almost an hour so the specialist who will be looking at my baseline could tell me they needed to set up a day for my baseline tests. You couldn't just call me or something? Set up the tests and give me a day/time? I took off work for this. Anyway, someday I will be having a heart MRI, a stress test, and wearing a monitor for a day.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


It's getting cold outside, finally. The dogs are conserving heat.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


In honor of Mari's ordeal, I present a giant spider attacking the capitol building. Please ignore the fact that THEM! was actually about giant ants, and my giant ghost hands too while you're at it.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Will She Or Won't She?

Is today the day we bust outta this place? Stay tuned! Addendum: It was close, we were really starting to think it was going to be Tuesday, but a little after 7 pm Mari rolled out of the north wing and we headed home. They still don't know exactly what this thing is, but the treatment is working and all scans show it's not reaching into muscle or worst of all bone. So with a bucket of oral antibiotics and a follow up in a couple of weeks, we bid adieu to the fine folks at Vanderbilt.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Slow Time

Mari is doing fine health wise, the infected area continues to get better. Lonnie came up to visit which was really nice. The main enemy is cabin fever. Can't move much because of the IV, better than average but still hospital food hospital food, three TV channels, an uncomfortable bed. No matter how nice the staff, hospitals just ain't fun.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Weekend At Vandy's

So you know how this was going to be an overnight stay? Yeah, not so much. Now they're talking Monday or Tuesday. Nobody seems to know what it is. Brown Recluse? Staph? Random bug bite turned bacterial infection? Spin the wheel o' diagnosis and take a shot.

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Battle Of Wounded Ankle

So this thing just refuses to get better. Mari ended up at Vandy's emergency room this afternoon because the wound just wouldn't stop seeping. They're keeping her overnight for IV antibiotics, a full work up (to finally give a definitive answer on whether this is brown recluse, staph, or all of thee above), and observation. On the plus side everyone at Vandy has been amazing, friendly, and informative. If we ever need any hospitaly stuff again, we're going there.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

They're Animals Three

An action shot, just to once again confirm they do more than sleep.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

They're Animals Two

And here is where you will find Mystic in the morning, where she usually remains until summoned by the promise of a Dentabone.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

They're Animals

Haven't done a pup post in a while. Here Mad cuddles one of her favorite miniature sheep toys. She has a yellow one and a purple one, and they've been around for months now. The only two toys she hasn't completely destroyed within a day or two.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Down Came A Spider

Or did it? A follow up visit to the Dr. sees Mari sent to a specialist at the hospital in regards to her brown recluse bitten ankle. He declares it's not a brown recluse, but a staph infection possibly started in a non-recluse bug bite. We question his judgement, mostly because he was a jerk with no empathy or people skills. I can see why he'd want to become a Dr. But whatever he did seems to have made it better so it's possible his medical diploma wasn't bought on the Internet.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Kingdom Come Again

This is the sequel to Hundred Thousand Kingdoms. Can't remember if I posted but I liked the first one, and this edition was even better. (Editors Note: I did post it.)

Sunday, October 2, 2011


This was another cheapy indie game I'd heard good things about. It was as captivating as advertised, the art style was great, but what really sold it was the soundtrack. I went out and got three songs from it as soon as I was done.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


The witching month arrives.