Thursday, September 29, 2011

Impatient At Heart

So the Heart Saga(tm) mentioned here and here continues, drawn out by schedules and my main Doc being sick for a week. This culminates in a final diagnosis by a cardiologist today... Turns out the murmur is caused by a thickening in the left side of my heart. This can be a normal occurrence, but usually doesn't happen until a person is much older. I always knew I was hard-hearted. He couldn't tell why it happened, but it's not bad and all my other vitals are fine so no meds, no surgeries, you aren't getting rid of me that easily. Unfortunately, now I have to go to two more specialists to create a "baseline", then get it checked on every couple a years. I was really hoping this was going to be it today (You know, aside from an "I'm comin' Elizabeth" type diagnosis, but I was pretty sure that wasn't the case after the Doc did my sonogram and didn't call an ambulance or anything.)

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