Saturday, June 4, 2011

Thunder, Thunder, Thundershirt!

Mari saw this thing about these pressure shirts for dogs. Supposedly you put them in these special shirts and it wraps them up and makes them feel secure, thus easing many ails. Despite the very convincing videos on the web I was skeptical, but she got this for Maddie anyway. Here is the list of things we wanted to make better:

1. She works herself up into a panting, shivering dither during storms.

2. She does the same in the car.

3. She freaks out if you mess with her feet or tail.

4. When new people come to the house she has an ear splitting, screeching fit.

So we slap this thing on her a few times to test. In the car she just sits and calmly looks out the window, and she doesn't mind you messing with her tail at all. She still won't let you touch her feet however so it doesn't work miracles. As a side note on a recent vet visit I left it on (I put it on for the car ride) and she was so unnaturally calm through the whole visit I thought she'd been doped. There have been no storms and no new people to the house yet. So yes, I have to concede Mari was right, they do work.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Good to know. I will pass it on.