Monday, June 27, 2011

The Land Of The Living

Happy to be out of the house and back to work. Until I realized I was at work. Here's an ode to work mouse. I've been using you since '05, trusty rodent.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sicko, Day Five

Appropriate for how I've been feeling, finished this one today. I think I can officially take myself off the sick list, a week of rest and lots of antibiotics seem to have won the fight. Besides, who can argue the therapeutic qualities of strapping two chainsaws to a motorcycle and bowling through hordes of virtual undead? I think C. Everett Koop used to prescribe that for most stuff.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sicko, Day Four

Better today, got out of the house, did stuff. Had Chinese food (just steamed chicken and steamed rice nothing exotic). Little worried, what kind of fortune is that?

Sicko, Day Three Part Two

Back home, and loaded up on meds, the dogs decided they needed to take things directly into paw and moved their medicinal sleeping onto my lap.

Sicko, Day Three

Here's Friday. You know I'm sick when I actually go a Dr. I haven't been to one since '07. And I like this Dr. Tells you how much I enjoy visiting them. Room looks pretty much the same though.

Sicko, Day Two

Here's Mystic and Maddie helping me recuperate, on Thursday.

Sicko, Day One

Haven't posted in week but it's not from lack of creativity, been ungodly sick since Tuesday. Here is Mystic and Maddie helping me recuperate on Wednesday.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fowl Feeding

Lonnie and Payton came up to visit and we headed to the lake after dinner. That leg was supposed to be him but the camera doesn't snap as fast as he moves.

Day Of Dads

Here's to all the Dad's out there.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

New Balls For Father's Day

Buckyballs! Mari's F-day gift to me, I've always wanted some of these. Endless fun. I know they don't look like much but once you play with them you'll see.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Drawing Inheritance

In honor of upcoming Father's Day, when asked to explain some questions about space on the SAN I went to the white board and drew it all out. I dedicate this to my Dad, who is always drawing out things on boards and napkins. Though I guess technically this isn't really a drawing.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

In Your Endo

Really HuffPo? You couldn't come up with a better headline? Sounds like a personal problem to me.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

2 Teams 1 Cup

Stopped watching when San Jose and Nashville got bumped, but I couldn't pass on a Stanley Cup game 7. Wasn't much of a match, Bruins 4-0. On to next season.

Monday, June 13, 2011

A Splinter Of A Game

And I thought Singularity was short. The thing is, the plot was really good and it told it's tale, so would it have been better to pad it just for gameplay time? Not sure, maybe the multiplayer part was supposed to earn that extra investment. Anyway, good game but I'm glad I got this on a Steam special for 5 bucks.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Wishing For A Hangover

So this got good reviews, and several people recommended it. I think we were expecting something like a female version of the Hangover so maybe went in with the wrong mindset. Wasn't terrible, but something we wish we'd Netflixed (I made a new verb!) instead of payed theater money on.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Time Warp

Interesting time travel plot / mechanics in a solid FPS. Little easy, kind of short. A solid game, but I'm glad I only payed ten bucks for it.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Closer Sushi

We love sushi but our favorite place is a bit out of the way, a new place opened near us called Kohana. Mango rolls here. Couldn't have been better. We'll be back. Of course since we like the place we've already resigned ourselves to the fact it will close in three months. Not that we're bitter or anything (I'm looking at you September's.)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

So Few IPs, So Many Electronics

It's world IPv6 day! Did you pop the bubbly and run around in the street with sparklers!? Nerd. I respect the need for IPv6 but I'm going to miss being able to memorize IPv4 addresses (though wide spread adoption is still a long ways off.) DNS is more crucial than ever. So if you take one thing away from this, remember to keep your DNS databases clean and up to date. If you take two things away from this, I need to get out more. If you take three things away from this you're a bigger geek than I am. And if you didn't understand any of this you probably do get out more.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


It's the new filler.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Another Hangover

Reviews have said it's not as good as the first one, I'll go so far to say it's not nearly as good. Still, wasn't terrible either. Picture unintentionally but fittingly blurry.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Thunder, Thunder, Thundershirt!

Mari saw this thing about these pressure shirts for dogs. Supposedly you put them in these special shirts and it wraps them up and makes them feel secure, thus easing many ails. Despite the very convincing videos on the web I was skeptical, but she got this for Maddie anyway. Here is the list of things we wanted to make better:

1. She works herself up into a panting, shivering dither during storms.

2. She does the same in the car.

3. She freaks out if you mess with her feet or tail.

4. When new people come to the house she has an ear splitting, screeching fit.

So we slap this thing on her a few times to test. In the car she just sits and calmly looks out the window, and she doesn't mind you messing with her tail at all. She still won't let you touch her feet however so it doesn't work miracles. As a side note on a recent vet visit I left it on (I put it on for the car ride) and she was so unnaturally calm through the whole visit I thought she'd been doped. There have been no storms and no new people to the house yet. So yes, I have to concede Mari was right, they do work.

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Other End

A Brent recommendation, this was an interesting concept. It runs the same timeline and events from Ender's Game but told from the point of view of a minor character in that book. I don't know that I've seen an author do that before, and it works well in this case.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Cake Is A Lie

Three years and 1,341 pictures later, I'm still Snacking. This year my special thanks go to Brent, who introduced me to the concept of a picture blog. There would be no Snicker Snack without his input. And Mari, because there have been several times I've said "Eh, I think I'll stop doing this stupid thing." And she convinced me to keep going. Full disclosure: the real Snackaversary is May 2nd, I just forgot. (Editor's Note: I just noticed the cupcake image I randomly googled is exactly the same as last year with a different candle.)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Welcome to June. 100 degrees and cicadas, should be a fun month.