Friday, September 17, 2010

Gone Wild

With Mari out of town it's time to do all that stuff I normally don't do when she's around. So I set out to do those things. Only. I couldn't really think of anything. Be a bum and play video games all day? Well, I can already do that. Eat weird food? Migraine allergies pretty much shot that down. Watch stupid movies she doesn't want to see? Tivo and Netflix streaming took care of that a long time ago. So I ended up pouring out two bottles of this nasty orange cream soda we bought and both hated but she didn't want me to throw it out because it was expensive. That's right. Right in the sink. I didn't even use a bottle opener, I just ripped the caps off with my teeth. (Ok, so that part's a lie. Dental health is nothing to fool around with.) I think I might leave the toilet seat up next. Oh. Wait. I already do that too dammit...

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