Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hot Under The Collar

Sucky weekend aside from the 1,00th post and the ensuing congratulatory call from the President (OK, maybe not.) Spent mid-Saturday doing an IP swap on two servers then trouble shooting a third. A power supply went out on a key server around 10pm that night, so I had to drive back downtown and work on that until 1 in the morning or so. Then the air conditioner started acting up so we had to shut it off. Then waited all day today until the tech finally made it out to us after 10 in the evening. I couldn't be annoyed at the poor guy though, he'd been crawling around people's burning attics all day and you could tell he was exhausted. Anyway the AC turned out to be OK thankfully, because we sure couldn't afford a major fix there, however the vent fan that sucks the hot air out of our attic had seized up. We'll see how much that'll cost tomorrow when he can get a parts estimate. Bleh.

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