Monday, August 17, 2009

Monkeying Around

The Secret of Monkey Island is one of the all time classic games, followed up by two decent sequels. It's an adventure / comedy game following the misadventures of Guybrush Threepwood and was released back in 1990. Well LucasArts just lovingly recrafted the entire game, sc3ne for sc3ne. They updated the graphics, the controls, they added voice acting for all the characters (back in the day it was all text), and they redid the engine to run on a modern PC (also available on the XBOX 360 this time around.) One other cool feature is you can switch back to the old version of the game at any time to compare. The above picture an example of that. Very cool and nostalgic. Thanks LucasArts, I might almost be able to forgive you for the last three Star Wars movies. Almost.

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