Friday, February 27, 2009

Words To Go

Day two with the Kindle.

Cool things: We were stuck in traffic. Mari pulls out her kindle and in moments is happily reading today's Washington Post. Later she was really into this new book she's reading. So instead of putting it down to cook dinner, she turns on the very well done reader (a computer voice that speaks out lout and surprisingly smoothly.) Thus while she cooks, she can listen to her book.

Not cool thing: Once you really start digging into the library, you'll find it disappointingly limited. Research returns that most publishers are trying to catch up, and in a year or so much of their back libraries will be e-book available. But for now, you aren't going to be replacing your books anytime soon. On the plus side, every book on Amazon now has a link just below it where you can request it to be made into an e-book. I don't know how effective that link is, but at least it's something.

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