Friday, August 29, 2008

DNC Makes His-Tor-Ry.

And finally, after an introductory video made by and narrated by Martin Scorsese no less, the main event. Barak Obama accepted the nomination and gave a speech that I am sure whatever the outcome of the election will be added to the list of famous speeches in history. It was that good. You know it was good because when it was over and they broke to the CNN commentators, who through the rest of the convention always had something snarky to say...every. single. one of them was either dead silent, or had nothing but gushing things to say. In fact one of the more critical ones (Republican David Gergen) even said "Wow, I feel sorry for whoever gets picked to be the Republican VP tomorrow." Now I know it's all in the moment, and the Republican convention will fire right back next week, taking some of the shine off. But damn, it was a good moment. Savor it.

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