Friday, September 18, 2015

Safety First

Sometimes working for JIS includes interesting situations, like being the IT support for various departments during a Safe Surrender event. It takes place in a church, so ITS set up a network there that ties directly into the main one, eliminating the added complexity off VPN. Then we came in and set up printers and laptops as best we could in these makeshift environs. Beyond that attending several safety meetings, learning about the Flex team waiting just a block away to charge in if anything goes wrong, watching the officer with the bomb sniffing dog wandering around, it's not boring that's for sure. The actual program started this morning, so far so good.

Here's a news blurb about it:

The Metro-Nashville Police Department is planning a two-day “Fugitive Safe Surrender” event next month.

The event will be held Friday, Sept. 18 and Saturday, Sept. 19 at Galilee Missionary Baptist Church located at 2021 Herman Street.

Authorities said the two-day event is a one-time thing that will allow those wanted on non-violent crimes a second chance.

“If one person turns themselves in and stops running, then it will be a success,” Police Chief Steve Anderson said.

Anderson said those who come and surrender at the church will receive favorable treatment.

“You’ve got to give them favorable credit for them showing up on their own. The law allows for that,” Judge Steve Dozier said. 

“It’s a great opportunity for a person to get their charges behind them,” Chief Anderson added.

All of those who surrender will receive a $10 Mapco gas card to help with transportation costs.
On Saturday, Sept. 19 only, authorities will also accept any unwanted firearms in exchange for $50 gas cards.

No questions will be asked on where the weapons came from, authorities said.

Authorities asked that the firearms be unloaded if it can be done safely before surrendering them. If not, trained officers on the scene will be able to assist.

Local pastors will also be at the event to help those who are surrendering themselves.

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