Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Turn To Page

The original Wasteland came out in 1987 and was one of my favorite games. It was one of the first games to have a persistent state world, meaning things you did changed "the world" when back then most games reset areas as soon as you left them. Hard drives were still a luxury back then so when you got the game the manual told you to make a copy of the disk first and play the copy so those changes wouldn't overwrite the original. The game was also very text heavy (since graphics were also a luxury back then), so much so it came with a book, and when you got to certain scenes it would tell you to open the book to page x and read what happened. We've come a long way.

Anyway, for various reasons a sequel never got made though the Fallout series is considered a spiritual successor to Wasteland. Then Kickstarter became a thing and the original makers created one to fund Wasteland 2. So here in 2015 we finally get Wasteland 2. Not as good as the first, but then I think that might be a lot of nostalgia talking, but still a very good game.

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