Sunday, June 30, 2013

End Of The Month

Hit another photogenic dry spell, but I figured I needed to put something up as the month comes to an end or they'll arrest me for loitering.

I'm not posting my thoughts on books anymore because for a long time I have been a part of a community called Goodreads (Mari found it actually.) So I put my book stuff on there now, and it seemed redundant to keep doing it here. If you still care to know what I'm reading and what I think about it, joining is free, just add me as a friend (Mari too if you're so inclined.)

I haven't posted any gaming news because for more than a month now both Mari and I have been obsessively playing the new Neverwinter MMO. It too is free (it supports itself through micro transactions), and is amazingly good and a ton of content for zero money (full disclosure, we may or may not have dropped some money on it anyway, I mean can you really say no to that cool, cash only armored horse? I didn't think so.) As an interesting side note, Mari and I met playing the original Neverwinter MMO hosted on AOL back in the day. Check out the graphics on the new Neverwinter, then check out the graphics on the old Neverwinter. Just a little different huh?

Looking forward to the new month and my folks coming down over the 4th weekend, hopefully July will be a veritable cornucopia of picture worthy events. Or a wolf shot followed by a few dogs pics. Whichever.

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