Sunday, December 18, 2011

I Know It When I See It

The plan for today was to go wander the Asheville art district. We drove all over this sketchy looking neighborhood of empty factories and old train yards. Couldn't find anything open. And finally ended up here, on some street corner, next to the only piece of art we could find. As always we had a great time doing it, the four of us can make anything fun, even getting lost. Here's my folks with what we hope is a sculpture, and they took the same snap but with me and Mari. So, travel tips 2-4. 2 - Do the art tour on a Saturday, they're all closed on Sunday. 3 - Despite how the map represents it, the galleries are spread out in little clumps across a wide area so it doesn't necessarily feel like you're in one big artsy area. 4-I'm sure the neighborhood is perfectly safe, but it looks like you're in a graffiti strewn industrial ghetto (and not the cool, artsy graffiti, just tagging.)

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