Friday, October 17, 2008

Hanging My Chads

Waiting in line to vote. In front of us (seen here in the blue jacket), a little old lady who declared there hasn't been a candidate worth voting for since Harry Truman, but she still votes so she can claim the right to complain about it. Behind us a gentleman who declared he wouldn't vote for Obama, because he won't vote for anyone born in Swahili. Neither would I buddy, but in my case maybe it's because Swahili is a language, not a country. Guess he's on board the Ignorance Express. Mari directed him to fact checker online, to which a woman replied "How can you trust that?". She answered because it's a non partisan site with no agenda other than to tell the truth. The reply to that "Yeah, well anyone can type anything into a computer." We gave up, and fell back on the smile and nod.

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